Author Topic: Postulates and the difference between..  (Read 183 times)

Gone Fabian

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Postulates and the difference between..
« on: May 24, 2015, 02:31:40 pm »
I found this some time ago on another disrelated internet site. It changed my thinking on this subject quite a bit.


                                      and the difference between
                                       Smoke and Mirrors

   Postulates  and postulate-like things come in lots of different flavors. In addition they come in 3 different types. The types are past, present and future and they are often somewhat combined. The postulate "I hope there will be nice weather tomorrow" is mostly about the future tomorrow, but it is a package including that one is postulating from today (present time). It also includes some knowledge or experience from the past for the postulate to even be made.

   The postulate "I'm rather sure he did not cheat on me on his trip to Paris" is made in present time but is all about the past, actually a specific period in the past. It is a package that also includes the woman's own experiences or things that she has heard about happening to others.

   A creative postulate like an intention can also have a "no expiration date", it is supposed to last (go on) until it doesn't. Plants and animals and marriages are designed like this, also cars and machinery of the highest quality. I read somewhere that this is called an Yatrus type postulate, named after some god or something. Then there are postulates that are nearly timeless, considerations like "that's just the way things are".

   "The mountain cabin should be warm now, that thermostat is a great thing" is a funny postulate. It is about the present, but the guy making the postulate is not totally sure so he uses the word "should". One of the reasons he is not sure is that he relies on a technical device to make his wishes come true. The first postulate here is the older and more general one made by the guy constructing the thermostat device: "it shall perform like this when that thing happens". Then the circuit does exactly that action (hopefully), but it is an automaticity with no thought or inspection present in real time. So I call this technical action a postulate-like thing. Then comes the action of the user of the device, a few weeks earlier he programs it to turn on the heat at a specific time and he now relies on a device to make the heating come true in present time. This often works great, but of course he might have done it differently if his children's lives depended on it.

   The different flavors of postulates are about several things, best shown by examples. You might have noticed that lots of people are living rather automated lives so it should be no surprise that a few of the flavors are only postulate-like or at least without personal responsibilities.

A WISH               Well, it's just a wish. It might happen, it might not. It's a bit weak, a bit defensive, a bit hopeful. It might be realistic or totally unreal. "I
                                 wish you two would stop fighting", well maybe tomorrow, maybe never..

A PLAN               Definitely most often about the future. More real versions are the synonyms PROGRAM and PROJECT.
                  These are often a bit more real or detailed. But a PLAN relies on today's ATTITUDES or CONSIDERATIONS.

A DECISION            This is the very causative flavor, it can be about the present or the past or the future and is equally powerful. And a
                  wrong DECISION about a present or past situation can be very harmful.

A BELIEF                Very often a believer just continues to believe, but it might be true. It's likely a continuing thing that changes little, so it gives the 
                                  illusion that time stands still. Powerful people don't believe for very long, they find out.

A DREAM                Famous American quote "I have a dream". It's not always very realistic, but can be very nice and positive. They use
                   the same word for unreal things you experience when you sleep. There is a reason for this.

A LOYALTY                A kind of continuing postulate to support someone or something, a bit like a contract. Can be very sticky stuff as
                   it is mixed in with earlier more general postulates about how bad it is to stop being loyal.

A HOPE                Can be realistic or unrealistic, remember the one about the weather. But all the same it is about things one is not
                   able or willing to be responsible for, someone else will do it. HOPE and BELIEF are postulates much used in
                   religion and welfare states.

A VISION                Related to a DREAM but not exactly the same. Could be an entrepreneur with a good one, but often used                   
                                  by politicians anyway. I give it a higher grade than DREAM though.

A CONSIDERATION     Very often just someone's view of the present, past or future, but fair enough. If the consideration is spot on                   
                                  it can really open up the way for ACTION that will get some results.

AN IDEAL SCENE     Considerations about how things ought to be, can be good or bad in many ways. Of course people focusing too much on ideal scenes
                                  might never achieve very much, but feel they were very right anyway.

A DEAL           Also called a CONTRACT or even a RESPONSIBILITY. Well this is where you find out what the person is                   
                                  made of. With a formal PROMISE like this one can always explain to others why he has to do what he has to do,
              that makes him safe. A person not  delivering on a DEAL is really taking risks, it will taint him in the eyes of
              anyone interested.

A RULE           Synonyms are a LAW or REGULATION or POLICY and I'm sure many more. These are pre-made automatic
              devices, so that human emotions shall not interfere too much with needed actions. Might be very needed or not.

AN IDEA           Related to CONSIDERATION, PICTURE and others. Often presented as something new.

AN ACTION        One of the cleanest postulates available. Please note that ACTION is all about the present and the future,                   
                                  and cares little of the past. That should tell me something, but I'm a bit slow..

A HABIT            I'm sure you know what a HABIT is, you're full of them. A kind of personal automatic action, often borrowed                   
                                   from someone you respected.

A CRAVING         A person wants it strongly at a deeper level, often at the level of the body, not so much about the spirit.

A FACT            Can also be called a KNOWLEDGE, I guess. Very much related to a CONSIDERATION and can be just as wrong.

A CLAIM            The special consideration that someone owes you something, for example your relatives or your workplace                   
                                   or the state. It might even be true if it was a DEAL or a CONTRACT involved.

A TRY            Related to an ACTION but admitting that it might not be possible.

A HISTORY                 Also sometimes called a STORY, an attempt to create a PICTURE of something that happened in the past.
               It has to have a little truth in it to stick, but the rest is doubtful stuff. Ask yourself "why am I told this story?".
               Anyway, this flavor of postulate is very much about the past.

AN ATTITUDE         A kind of frozen CONSIDERATION.

AN OPINION         A more temporary CONSIDERATION. More easy to change an OPINION than an ATTITUDE.

AN INTENTION         A more realistic thing than a PLAN, often by a person that has done it before and knows what he is doing.                   
                                   But an incompetent guy can have intentions too, they won't last long. By the way, ever heard a father ask                  
                                   "what are your intentions towards my daughter?" Take it as a compliment, he knows you are a powerhouse                  
                                   and is worried. If he asked "what are your dreams and hopes with my daughter?" then YOU should be worried.

A PURPOSE         Slightly different than an INTENTION, maybe often more long term and general, but definitely a synonym.
               You can agree or disagree with my definitions, but I'm sure you have one that works for you..

A MEMORY            A CONSIDERATION about something in the past, can be right or very wrong.

A PICTURE            A frozen part of a MEMORY, a picture can change so don't trust it.

A REALITY            A more comprehensive set of CONSIDERATIONS, ATTITUDES, OPINIONS, MEMORIES, HOPES and                   
                                   whatever you like to have in there. A REALITY is not what is out there, remember all people have vastly                   
                                   different REALITIES so of course yours is partly wrong too. But as your alternative is BELIEFS it is the best                   
                                   thing to have at this time. Smart guys improve on their reality along the way.

AN ABILITY         A CONSIDERATION that someone or something can perform the ACTION. Beware, it might not be true (any more).

AN IMPULSE         Related to an URGE but there are differences. Both can be automatic or even coming from the body.

   So these are some of the usual flavors of postulates, I am sure you know about a few that I have overlooked. That is ok. What separates the flavors are the differences in how real the thing is, the frozenness of it, how automatic it is, how practical or analytical it is. And very much who or what are considered responsible.

   A postulate about the future takes it's flavors from mainly two things. How likely it is that it will happen, and who or what will do the job. Of course personalities and circumstances play a big part in the likelihood. And ability, attitude and responsibility are among the things that decide who will do it. There is the old saying: "Give it to a very busy man and it will be done in a short time". A lot of people also think that God is the guy responsible for what's going to happen. It might even be true.

   But at this point my plan is to introduce the POWERLESS-19 SCALE which is mostly about future type postulates.

                  -9      It's not gonna happen
                  -7      Very unlikely
                  -5      Will probably not happen
                  -2      Might not happen
                   0      50/50 chance it will happen or not
                  +2      Might happen
                  +5      Will probably happen
                  +7      Very likely
                  +9      It's going to happen

   Ok, the reason the scale only goes to 9 in both direction is that when we are talking about the future you never really know for sure until it's over.
And it has it's funny name because one is totally powerless at the extreme points of this 19-step scale. There is some hidden conclusion buried here, but I have not picked it up yet.

   And of course, I have put the minus part at the top because most things never happen.

   One of the more prominent and very important things about postulates is their tendency to exclude other possibilities, especially the more powerful or causative postulate flavors. When you have DECIDED that the butler was the murderer you tend to forget about the possible secret cousin from the past. Making a postulate or two is a bit like starting to paint yourself into a corner.

Definition:    Postulate = A causative thinking or action that by it's nature to some degree will exclude other possibilities.

   The fact that postulates will hinder other postulates is a vast area to cover and it takes time for the consequences of this to really sink in. I will just hint that this is stuff that can blow your abilities mile high if you get a grip on it.

   Well, postulates are great for creating games. Actually the definition of a game is postulates in conflict or opposition. So here we come to some new concepts:

                  Postulates can be totally aligned.
                  Postulates can have nothing to do with each other.
                  Postulates can be in conflict to some degree.

                  Postulates can be somewhat aligned.

                  Postulates can be in opposition.

And of course everything in between.

Aligned:               Both mom and dad wants to go on holiday to Bulgaria in December.

Unrelated:                    Mom is scared when seeing a spider, dad plans to watch football on TV.

In conflict to some degree:           Dad wants to save some money for a new car, mom wants to stay at the most expensive hotel in Bulgaria.

Somewhat aligned:         Mom and dad make plans for Bulgaria, Johanna just wants to go some place she can find a nice beach.

In opposition.            George wants to undress Johanna when they get to her room. He doesn't tell her father.

A fun thing about postulates is that they can disappear if you are not careful. This happens when the postulate becomes less and less important to the person that has it or is creating it. As you might have observed this can happen in seconds if reality shifts too fast. The trip to Bulgaria can suddenly be totally irrelevant when mom finds out that 17 year old Johanna is pregnant. Importance is the deciding factor.

   My theory is that a lot of people can only hold a few postulates of very high importance. So when a new one shows up another one might dive to the bottom, to near zero.

   Let me introduce my CRAZY-21 SCALE. This is the scale of IMPORTANCE of the subject covered by the postulate. The idea is a 1-10 scale of how important something is to the individual. It goes to ten in both directions with a zero in the middle, that makes 21 steps. Let me show you:

                  +10      Crazy on the subject
                  +9      Willing to be extremely destructive
                  +8      Very important that it does happen
                  +5      Should happen
                  +2      Would like it if it happened
                    0      I don't care
                  -2      Would not like if it happened
                  -5      Should not happen
                  -8      Very important that it does not happen
                  -9      Willing to be extremely destructive
                  -10      Crazy on the subject

So an easy way to understand this is applying it to a football match. For the players the scale is only allowed to go to 8 in both directions, it's very important that you win and very important that they lose. The fans do not obey this maximum 8 rule, that's why we have police there when the more retarded ones move into levels 9 and 10. These people of course view me as crazy as I didn't even know what match was taking place. This is the peaceful existence at zero on most subjects, called Nirvana by some. The crazy-21 scale can also be used about the present or the past, but for most people it's about the future.

Let us look at how a couple of games could unfold in a (close to) real life drama.

(end of part one, there are only two parts)
« Last Edit: May 24, 2015, 02:59:18 pm by Gone Fabian »

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Re: Postulates and the difference between..
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2015, 03:02:50 am »
Very helpful! I like how it packages posttulates. I would call the part "A wish" "wish type postulates". Or "belief type postulates". That just makes more sense to me, but maybe not to others. This seems to be useful because its  broad rather than condensed. I once ased someone "do you think these postulate packs are categorized properly?", meaning TROM, and he said, "well i suppose you can categorize anything". That led me to think. But this is nicer and smoother. All we need to do is recognize when we postulated by identifying the "postulate type word identifier", like "wish type postules". It took me a few days to let this sink in but it makes sense. Would love to read part 2!

Other postulates i can think of are:

-Goal type postulates
-destroy postulates
-repair postulates (like forgivness)

I dont know maybe i got it all wrong.

Gone Fabian

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Re: Postulates and the difference between..
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2015, 02:14:18 pm »
Some time ago I suddenly understood why it is called a FLAVOUR.

These postulates are almost all of them put together by several postulates, or ingredients if you wish   :D

AN ACTION is the cleanest flavour as far as I can see. All the other have smaller more defensive postulates mixed in that indicates that the person making them is not at all fully cause. These different additions give them their unique flavour that makes them all different.

The postulate about what shall be delivered and all the details.
The postulate that the other guy cannot be trusted so it is put in written form.
The postulate that this written thing will get others to help you if things go wrong.

And possibly several more in there...

Yes, I will find part 2 and post it.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2015, 02:25:45 pm by Gone Fabian »

Gone Fabian

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Re: Postulates and the difference between..
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2015, 04:10:36 am »
part 2

Let us look at how a couple of games could unfold in a (close to) real life drama.

                           The hippie dreamer and the damsel

   In the city of Marseilles we find a group of young people interested in folk music. Tom at 21 years old is the bass player in such a band, he really is more of a hippie type and a dreamer. Looking through his father's vinyl LPs he creates a PICTURE of the lovely 1965 era and the great values of those days. After a while he developes a vague IDEA of sitting in the Himalayan mountains  meditating for weeks and finding himself in such a way. This becomes his DREAM and a fairly strong one (+5) too, and he starts to make PLANS to travel there in the summer. His friend Paul is the drummer in the band and he has different VIEWPOINTS. He thinks Tom should use his time and money to buy a much better bass guitar to replace the more amateur type of instrument he has been playing for years. Paul really WANTS (+5) this and we now have 2 postulates in conflict as there is only enough money and time to do one of these things.
   Alex is the sound mixer and he is HOPEFUL (+4) Tom will travel far away for weeks as he has the CONSIDERATION he could achieve a few romantic moments with Tom's very cute girlfriend in those weeks. He supports Tom's VISION and PLAN because it aligns fully with his own PROJECT.    Tom's IDEAL SCENE (+6) is to be free to do as he likes, but his parents get to know about it all and they are not happy. Mommy goes right down to (-8) as her REALITY is that terrorists are going to kidnap the boy the moment he gets off the plane. Daddy does not have the same terrorist fears, but he is not telling. His PROJECT (+6) is to get his son away from his artist type lifestyle and move him onto a career as a lawyer. So it turns out that Mom's and Dad's postulates are very well aligned, but for different reasons. Still the strength of Dad's opposition is only (-3) as he also has a BELIEF (+3) in free will, something he enjoyed in 1965.
   The girlfriend hovers around zero on the subject, she thinks Tom is cute in his hippie ATTITUDES and believes in freedom herself. Still the whole subject is not very important to her. She knows nothing about the sneaky PLANS of the sound guy Alex and would never CONSIDER (-7) any such ACTIONS as she thinks he is creepy and have never thought of him "in that way". Still she can see that Tom needs a new instrument that would help his career and their future together. She feels she is standing still at the moment and her body is telling her it might be time for a few babies soon
   Well, it turns out Tom has a hidden RULE (+7) stemming from his childhood. Grandmother always told him that "one should never make Mommy worried because then Mommy would be tired and maybe even sick". This is an emotional thing for Tom and he cancels his Himalaya PROJECT as he cannot face the PICTURE of a Mommy deeply (-8) worried for several weeks. And he knows he can not even meditate a second with that background. So the trip is now cancelled, it was a nice DREAM while it lasted.
   But the drama is not over as Paul has a new PROJECT going. As the money and time is now freed up he convinces Tom and the girlfriend to come on a short trip up to London, a secret romantic journey by train under the channel and without Mommy knowing about it, so no worries.
   In London Paul drags his friend from store to store trying out instruments, his INTENTION (+5) is to get the guy back to Marseilles with a fantastic instrument for a great price, this is what London is for. Then they can play some serious gigs and make a career in the music business. Paul also buys himself a few Swiss made cymbals that are impossible to find in France, this was part of his PLAN (+5). The drummer is a resourceful guy, but it will turn out he can't control everything.
   Because in the meantime the super cute girlfriend is sitting bored in a tea house on Queensway close to Hyde Park, with no money to shop the trendy clothes she would love to have, and nobody to talk to. So when a cool British 30 year old guy starts talking to her, things can happen. He has money, he gives the impression he really likes her, would really take care of her and treat her like a princess. He loves kids but doesn't have any, he would like to have 3, and soon. He is a handsome guy, has just retired as he now is wealthy enough and wants to spend time with family. The Englishman buys her a classy lunch at a great place on Bayswater Road with upper class patrons only, she is really treated like a princess. Then he has to leave the cute french beauty by her hotel entrance to take care of some business, but he leaves with her telephone number.
   And the young girl from Marseilles knows that at a deep level she has always had an URGE (+7) to be taken by a real man that will father her kids, protect and support the family, take care of her forever and treat her like the princess she really is. So when it later turns out the British guy is the real deal it is no problem for her to see that she really has a strong CLAIM (+7) on life for real happiness, love, romance, financial stability and high status. And this guy and all his very nice friends really love her cute accent, and the couple now PLANS marriage in 3 months. This guy isn't fooling around, he is all about ACTION.
   Tom accepts the loss, after a while he can see he was living in a DREAM REALITY, not giving the girl what was NEEDED (+7). Though he still plays his new bass guitar he has found some sense in his father's VISION (+5) and has now a new ATTITUDE (+4) in place that matches that kind of life a successful lawyer will have.
   Paul is still playing folk music with his friend, but has other more professional PROJECTS (+6) going as well. The sound guy Alex still complains about the rotten British overclass dudes that get everything for free.

End of drama, hope you liked it.

Ok, now I think the time is right to spring another one on you, and this is a bad one. You see, a normal person actually walks around in life with two very separate sets of postulates in him. The physical body itself has a set of concrete hard-wired stuff that you seldom see in it's raw form, and that is a good thing. The human body is a carbon-oxygen device created by God or Darwin or somebody. It runs very well when it gets what is needed, it repairs itself to some degree and it procreates to keep the species on the planet forever, a true Yatrus type postulate if you ever saw one. And this living device is loaded with postulates of many kinds, lots of it to keep the body running well despite all the stupid things people do with their physical person. A few professions know just about a tiny bit of this stuff but most of it is unknown at this time. The only things I am willing to share is:
      1. Don't mess with the postulate structure of the body, it is the way it is for some very good reasons.
      2. The postulates in the body can easily override the postulates of the spirit when the body finds it is really important.

The more visible set of postulates a person walks around with are the ones that doesn't really belong to the body, they belong to the spirit as they have been acquired by him over time. These are the things I have described here earlier except when I'm talking about the "deeper level". You see, you pick up some of the body's postulates as "feelings" and "emotions" and "urges" and "needs" and such stuff. You FEEL thirsty sometimes, and have a NEED to sleep, you feel an URGE to turn around and look at those girls. This is body talk. You can act on many of these impulses if you want to or you can do it at a later time. Your body will forgive you for being a bit late, well maybe. But the body's strong (important) urges will override you just like that. And the only thing you can do is afterwards try to explain why you acted in that way. Most such explanations are not near the truth as people have little understanding of the power of a living body, they can just stand back and watch in fascination as nature tries to take it's course.

      One can say that the postulates that do not reside in the physical body belong to the spirit. I'm talking about YOU. These postulates are much more easy to create, destroy, change the importance of and so on. Do as you like, it's your property. But it comes with a price. First I have to confess that a lot of the human body's postulates are not very nice stuff at all, especially things that pertains to relations with other people. It is what it is, get over it. And if you try to change those programs you might make the body rather ill, because they are more like hardware than software. But changing the spirit's own postulates are generally very safe, usually it's about changing your taste or plans or opinions or hopes and dreams.

      But there is some stuff that one should be very careful with, some ATTITUDES you might have heard about. We are talking about WRATH, GREED, SLOTH, PRIDE, LUST, ENVY and GLUTTONY. They have different names in different cultures and at different times, but you know what I'm talking about here. The thing is that all these postulates are built into the body to some degree, a little different in each body. But they are there, sometimes dormant. Well, if the spirit (you) get those same kind of ATTITUDES going, the force of this stuff will multiply and you get to become a type of person that can be somewhat destructive both to yourself and others. You don't want to have these same postulates aligned from both the body and the spirit, it's just too much. That's the story of the DEADLY SINS.

      So one can observe that a few confusions arise in the presence of postulates. We have own postulates, other people's postulates, your body's postulates, other bodies' postulates, imagined postulates, nature's postulates, the real or imagined postulates of God, Darwin, Shiva, the government or your local political party or golf club. And postulates do not need to be real to be perceived by you or others.

      When postulates of some importance get wrongly assigned, mislabeled or likewise confused you get something called SMOKE. This is a mental phenomenon that obscures visibility of what is around you in life. It is personal stuff as different people have their heads filled with SMOKE regarding different subjects, but at this time there is SMOKE everywhere so we might believe we share it. No, if you manage to get your head cleared somewhat it will only help others a little bit, this is your own fog made up from your own mistakes and sloppiness. Also I would guess that more than 90 percent of it is from your spiritual part, you cannot blame your body for this as the SMOKE is mostly about YOUR postulates. A mixup of your own and your body's postulates will create SMOKE and is done by lots of people all the time.

      So it is not wise to blame your body for the fog in your head and the distorted reality that goes with it. At this time and on this planet the human body is a much less contaminated entity than the spirit that thinks he owns it. Most spirits are in bad shape. They are in such a bad shape that they are unable to do very much unless they have a body as a servo mechanism. The body goes along with most things as it is a good natured animal with few postulates that conflict with the spirit's erratic ideas. But as the years go by many bodies will not have fulfilled their simple goals as society create more and more barriers for them without knowing about it. This will introduce SMOKE into the body too and it gets sick and dies before it's time. Early in the Bible it says the Lord estimates a body's lifespan to be about 120 years.A stupid spirit and an ignorant society will of course shorten this to the point that it needs drugs and metal spare parts to go beyond 50. SMOKE can be cleared away and it starts with sorting out the person's confused ideas about most things. And it also starts with stopping the destructive actions he is taking on a daily basis if he is that kind of spirit.

As I wrote up this stuff I came to think of a few more flavors of postulates:

AN INTERPRETATION      This is a postulate you make that kind of translates what you see or hear into what you think it actually means. For some reason women and gays do this a lot.

AN EXPERIENCE         It puts you at effect so that what is or was happening is reaching your perceptions.

AN APPROVAL         Some people are very generous and give you this. It's a trap because after a while you think you need it.   
A REFUSAL            Pushing something away, great stuff and can be used on most things.
A DENIAL            Saying that some INTERPRETATION or PICTURE isn't the right one.

A REASON            Also called an EXPLANATION. This is a very sneaky and important postulate flavor that I will hide here among the others so that very few will find it. REASON is the attempt to make something rational, to put it on an analytical "level".Hehe, you might have noticed people have lots of rather funny reasons for everything and that should tell you something.
A SUPPORT         A hint that you have the same kind of postulate, a SUPPORT can be by action alone or just verbal.

A CHOICE            A DECISION between different postulates.

A REVENGE         An ACTION in retribution to some earlier ACTION considered harmful or insulting.

AN OWNERSHIP         Made by yourself and others to describe that you can do what you like with that thing you own. Note that in most countries you can own a house but you are not allowed to burn it down, So there are often limits put in place.

A STATUS            Important part of existence as it seeks to establish position, abilities and so on in a game. It should be about specific things: "Roy is the specialist here when it comes to marinating chicken". But it often degenerates down to who is cool and who is uncool.

A RESPECT            This is a partially analytical and partially emotional often continuing consideration that you admire or fear or recognize high ability in someone. I will pick this apart a little more below as it is one very important and a bit tricky flavor.

You see RESPECT is a concept located both at a spiritual level and in animal bodies, but in different ways and often confused. Many kinds of animals have a pecking order system or a ladder of status or whatever you want to call it. Complex stuff about ability, age, gender, beauty, strength and other things. This is important stuff in the human ape and will override most rational thinking in the spirit that inhabits the body. In addition the person (spirit) has his own viewpoints about who is able and important or ugly or an idiot. So the concept of respect and status is often thoroughly mixed up in the composite called a human person. He is craving RESPECT and is often unwilling to give it, often based on feelings in the body instead of rationality.

      Ok, one might have noticed that some postulates are about what is happening around you right now and other postulates are kind of dormant stuff, but still there in your space "when needed". For example, you can have this person with an URGE to steal money. But there is no money around and he's not going to be a bank robber as that requires a slightly different postulate, a somewhat more violent or heroic kind maybe. He needs a special circumstance to trigger this postulate into action, something I call a MIRROR. And if you put this guy in charge of the cash belonging to an organization you might find it will be enough of a reflection from the past to make him pocket a small amount of that cash.

      A MIRROR is a likeness in present time to some circumstance in the past that contained some heavy confusion. And part of that picture is in his case the action of stealing money. Many philosophies neglect the fact that a MIRROR doesn't need to be destructive, lots of them are neutral and some are very positive. The feelings of nostalgia are typical examples of stuff that people consider positive reminders from the past. I don't really have strong feelings about this mechanism. Some make it a profession to get rid of MIRROR stuff, others concentrate on positive thinking to cover it up. So in a person we often have a package of forced (fake) positive thinking covering up all the things I have talked about here.

      SMOKE is the result of living with a confusion of postulates from different sources, spiced up with MIRRORS showing up from time to time. You will be told lots of crap about the situation and will start to make new incorrect postulates about it, creating even more SMOKE. Then they will tell you to think positively just to get through the day, yeah right.   
      My own experience is that positive thinking is a natural state that will gradually show up if one alternates back and forth with handling SMOKE and MIRRORS. Several techniques exist in these areas and I have not tried all. My point is that POSTULATES are more fundamental than these things as they are always earlier. Ok, now you can go to the top and read this thing again. It's not long.

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Re: Postulates and the difference between..
« Reply #4 on: November 13, 2017, 10:01:10 am »
What I find interesting about postulates is as soon as you put one out it immediately makes the opposite unlikelable.

 "I hope there will be nice weather tomorrow" also means bad weather is unlikeable and good weather is likeable.