Level one TROM > Level one TROM

Conscious Breathing as a Repair of Importance


Usually breathing is unconscious and automatic. However when I consciously breathe - as in Vipassana for example - there is the same intensity of release of psychic energy as when I do Dennis' creative RI. I experience the same "hippo yawns" - yawning off - when I keep the mind focused on breathing as the importance.

Not only massive yawns, but also fleeting by are images and scenes while directing the mind to focus solely on breathing. I have not yet done this to a point of no more change occurring but I do come more into present - everything around me looking brighter - the same as when I do Dennis' RI command. I appreciate the utter simplicity of this exercise.

This got started when I noticed that when stressed my breathing became suspended or ragged and I sought to keep it regular.

However, I'm not dismissing the restorative powers of the RI command, "Create Something".


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