Level three TROM > Level three TROM

Is Timebreaking a Fun Activity For You?


Dennis said timebreaking is a fun activity while at the same time being a reasonable activity, unlike games which are fun but not so reasonable - apart from our "reasons why". He wanted us to be winning while getting command power over our mind.

That said, I had a "Must Resolve" on a childhood incident that I could barely see when I brought it up, and it was very heavily charged, easily triggered, and had messed up my life with all the crazy and contrary decisions I made during the high-randomity incident.  I occasionally dropped down to Level Two, but the incident was very occluded re objects.

After torturing myself - I did get charge off, and let go of some postulates - I realized this was not "fun". And I was very willing to see my overts too, so I was not running away from that. At the same time my twin was timebreaking pleasure scenes and still getting some charge off and seeing some postulates, and I do see him being calmer, and he thoroughly enjoys his sessions.  He also has some severe childhood trauma which are not fun for him to timebreak, and have messed up his life.

Timebreaking is now a fun activity, and we both feel more "chummy" with our minds.
Dennis designed TROM as a gradient activity, and he said that Level Five should "come apart like a lamb".

However, if a client has a stuck importance on some tragedy in their life the therapist should comply.
Myself, I would use John Galusha's discovered techniques to quickly get to the postulates in an incident.

Karalee - can you please provide some detail on John's procedure?

Hello, there

John G. gave his stellar work over to Mike Goldstein and Mike sells a $5k course, and calls it Idenics.  Basically, it is taking on the client's "must resolve" importance, bringing up an incident, running off some charge, and then asking about first the postulates before the incident (how the person was being -  usually less restricted); then during the incident; then after the incident.  This helps the client re-assess the before, during and after postulates and get them unstuck from the psyche, and the person can return to being once again what they were before the incident in the scene; sometimes even before that.

Because of the emphasis on getting right at the postulates asap, this piece of tech complements TROM because trom is also all about getting at the postulates, starting with Level Four. The client needs to know that clearing the postulates is the senior importance, not who did what to who, but knowing and taking responsibility for their postulates.  That was what I personally got out of it when it was run on me.  It can be run on yourself solo, especially because you know about RI and Level Two, and the Prime To Know Postulates, plus all the junior goals.
I don't use it anymore because I want to test out Trom without any additives, and I like simple tech.

John G. also included a type of havingness practice - very smart to do that.  I wish John and Dennis had met each other and shared notes.

John's main case limitation that is apparent in his lectures, was that he had a "must not control" - probably due to all the manipulation and domination he experienced as an auditor in the Church of Scientology.  Probably or possibly an IP state too... messed up on "control".

If you want John's patter sheet and instructions you may message me. 

I love it!

Even when it has been uncomfortable for me (because how can you possibly get case gain without some discomfort) I get a feeling of superiority over my case knowing that I willingly brought this into view and that I have the power to vanish it into the past.

Then I laugh my ass off afterwards, and smile to myself knowing I didn't have to pay hundreds of dollars to a separate practitioner to relieve the charge.


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