Author Topic: TROM for Non-Scientologists Part Four  (Read 225 times)


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TROM for Non-Scientologists Part Four
« on: March 24, 2019, 09:34:24 pm »
Level Five and The Postulate Failure Chart
(attached to this posting is David Cooke's Postulate Failure Chart which is easier to read than the currently published version)
This section about level five is by no means a complete description of the level and how to run it.  While the procedure is described in “TROM a Games Manual” in the later TROM books there is even more theory and practice to it.
But before you even take a look at what’s called “The Postulate Failure Chart” which you will need to run level five, I will clue you in on some basics so that when you read Dennis’ books on the subject you won’t be so puzzled as to what it’s about.
First off, remember about the eight classes of overwhelm?  You run those on level four but you only run each one of those in one direction.  You are either getting the idea of being forced to know by another, or you are preventing the other from being known, and so on and so forth.  But you only handle one postulate at a time.  You’re not handling the resistance the other person is giving you to your postulate, or the agreement to your postulate, or your resistance or agreement to their postulate, if they are the ones overwhelming you.
Therefore, for each overwhelm listed, there is either a conflict or an (enforced) agreement with the postulate.
That’s why on the postulate failure chart there are a total of 16 commands to run.  For each overwhelm there is an overwhelm that is being resisted, and an overwhelm that is being accepted.  The former is a games condition, and the later is an overt or a motivator, depending on who is giving and who is receiving.
Self-determinism vs pan-determinism
To further understand the postulate failure chart we need to know the difference between self-determinism and pan-determinism.  And to fully understand that, we need to take a look at a basic Scientology concept known as the dynamics.
(By the way, if at any point during this section you want to take an actual look at the Postulate Failure Chart go ahead.  Just a warning—it does appear confusing at first.  My intent in this section is that by the time you finish reading my explanations that you will be able to grasp the chart and understand it on first sight)
In Scientology there is what are known as the eight dynamics.  These are the manifestations of the urge to survive in eight forms.
1)   Survival of self
2)   Survival through procreation (sex) and the family unit (some of the more “politically correct” Scientology publications say the second dynamic is “creativity”)
3)   Survival of the group
4)   Survival of Mankind
5)   Survival of life itself as manifested in plants, animals, bacteria, etc.
6)   Survival of the physical universe known as Matter, Energy, Space and Time (MEST)
7)   Survival of the spirit (The individual spirit is known as a “thetan” in Scientology)
8)   Survival of or as God or infinity.
In both Scientology and TROM, self-determinism is defined as the individual’s will.
In Scientology pan-determinism is determinism across the dynamics.  In TROM, when Dennis refers to “pan-determined postulates” he simply means “the other’s postulates”.  Dennis’ use of the word “pan-determined” is a much more simplified one which means “the other” while it has a little deeper meaning in Scientology.  It’s good to know the difference between the two when reading either a Scientology book or a TROM book so you don’t get the two confused.
The book Dianetics 55! goes into these concepts in more detail if you are curious to read about it.
So, on level five you are not only mocking up a postulate of your own, like you did in level four, but you are also mocking up “the other guy’s” postulate either opposed to or agreeing with yours (or you agreeing with theirs depending on which way the overt or motivator flows).
Self-determined (SD) postulates vs pan-determined (PD) or “not-self” postulates is the name of the game on level five.
Let’s take a look at how this actually flows and remember, DO NOT actually do these exercises until you have completed levels 1-4.  I am only putting the following here so you can understand what happens at level five, and get a fundamental understanding of the postulate failure chart (I actually did not understand the postulate failure chart until I read the chapter which these passages are taken from, which is the final chapter of the book.  I wish it had been in the book earlier, in my honest opinion).
Copied and pasted from TROM a Games Manual:
…the first thing you would do is put up the Other's postulate "Must be Known". The postulate is "Must be Known" and that is in the class of not-self.
Now, it doesn't matter where you put the postulate. Most people find it easier to put the postulate into a mass. Even a created mass of your own choice or into a wall, a part of the physical universe, a fence, a passing car. It doesn't matter where you put it.
"The important thing is that it is a "Must be Known" postulate and it's in the class of not-self.
That is important. You must be certain that it's in the class of other's to which I will refer for more precision as the class of not-self.
So you put up that postulate "Must be Known" in the class of not-self.
You then create the postulate "Must Know" in the class of self.
… the level here is "Forced to Know. It's you being forced to know something. You've bought not-self's pan determined postulate of "Must Know". Get that?
Doesn't matter what you are forced to know, you don't have to specify as we are just working with the postulates. So you would put up "Must be Known" over that way in the class of not-self and then get yourself here with the postulate "Must Know".
"Don't see yourself over that way doing this. You get yourself right here where you are, right where you are with the "Must Know" postulate.
There's a little danger there that you could say, Oh well, get me over that way. Oh no, that's wrong. You get right where you are - with the "Must know" postulate.
Then you simply timebreak out anything that shows up, any sensations that show up. Your whole situation is a cameo, as a scenario, as a scene, and you timebreak out anything that happens. Anything that shows up, you time break it. Time break it out until it's gone away and then you put the postulates back up again.
"You put the postulates back up and more scenes show up from the past, you timebreak those back out, have a good look at them, timebreak them out of existence and put the postulates back up again.
And you keep on doing this until you can put the postulates up at level 1A (level 1A of the chart which is the first level having to do with the first overwhelm –Closet TROM-er) with no more change occurring and you can quite happily put up the postulate "Must be Known" in the class of not-self over that way while you're sitting here with "Must Know". And you got the idea that you're being “Forced to Know.”
That's quite OK. Nothing is happening and it's all quietened down. Right, now you're ready to move on. You started to get bored with that level.
You've done all you can with that level, it's now time to move on. So we now move from 1A to level 1B.
"Now that is signified by you changing your postulate from "Must Know" to "Mustn't Know". You're still at receipt point, but you're changing your postulate from "Must Know" to "Mustn't Know".
The postulate "Must be known" is still out there in the class of not-self. But now it's a game. We now have a games condition. We now have an opposition situation. We have "Must be Known" in the class of not-self and "Mustn't Know" in the class of self and they are opposing postulates and that is a games situation.
So you have your "Mustn't Know" and your opposing not-self's "Must be Known" with your pan determined postulate "Mustn't be Known". Trying to get not-self to change his postulate from "Must be Known to "Mustn't be Known" but he's in the stronger position forcing his pan determined postulate of "Must Know" right up against your "Mustn't be Known".
So, you just now hold that. Just hold that situation and timebreak out everything that shows up. Everything that shows up there.
"And you continue with it until there's no more change. You've timebroken out everything you quite happily have that situation there where you have "Must be known" over there in the class of not-self and "Mustn't know" in the class of self and you can hold that situation. And there's nothing else, it's all quieted down. There's nothing else happening. And you're getting bored with it, so it's time to move on. So you now move on from 1B to 2A.
"Now this involves a definite change, you're going from receipt now to origin. That is a big change that happens there between 1B and 2A.
When we go from 1B to 2A you start off by feeling yourself at Origin point. You start off by saying, well, I'm in "Mustn't know" pushing "Mustn't be Known" across to the other person, to the "Must be Known" there.
In other words, instead of him being the originator and you being at the receipt at level 2A you're the originator "Mustn't know" and you driving your pan determined "Mustn't be Known" against his "Must be Known" Self Determined postulate.
In other words, you're begining to get at him. So you're beginning to get at the opponent. So it's you with "Mustn't know" and him still holding his postulate of "Must be known", but instead of him being at the origin point he's now at the receipt point of your PD postulate "Mustn't be known".
"But it's still a game. Then again you would do all the necessary timebreaking, the handling of all that shows up, clean everything up until you're quite bored with that Level, the whole Level 2A. Then you would go to Level 2B where now you are going to actually overwhelm the opponent.
You still stay in your "Mustn't know" postulate, you're originating your PD "Mustn't be known" postulate at level 2B and now you drive him, you actually force him, you drive him by the sheer power of the postulate, you drive him from "Must be Known" into "Mustn't be known".
In other words, you make him comply with your PD postulate. So he's driven from the "Must be known" he held at level 2A.  He now goes into "Mustn't be know" at the receipt point there.
"So now we've gone through a whole little cycle, haven't we. We've gone through a whole little cycle. We had the complementary postulates at level 1A with "Must be known" and "Must know". We've gone through two game cycles and now we've gone back to complementary postulates again. But notice that the postulates have changed.
We are now at 2B. At 2B we have "Mustn't Know" - "Mustn't be known" and we are back with complementary postulates again. But now you are at the origin point and the "Mustn't be Known" is at the receipt point.
"Basically the difficulty is a lack of understanding that you're dealing purely with postulates.
You're not dealing with effects here on the chart, you're dealing with postulates. That's all you are putting up, it's postulates. You're not putting up effects, you're not putting up sensations, or you're not creating people, you're not mocking up people, you are not mocking up walls, or floors, or situations. You're simply mocking up postulates.
What we're working with are just postulates. That's the whole level of level 5, it's postulates. That is all we are working with at level 5, it's postulates. We don't work with anything else, we timebreak out anything else that shows up. We only work with postulates at Level 5.
"It is an incredible thing to work with. At first it seems very strange and so forth, very odd and peculiar to be just working with postulates. But after one gets used to it, when you get into level 5 you get to a point eventually where you wouldn't dream of working with anything else but postulates because you get the fastest results working with postulates and you always work with just postulates. You simply timebreak out everything else that shows up.
Any incidents that show up, or sensations, or emotions or whatever shows up. You simply timebreak them out.
So at level 5 you are working purely with postulates. Once you grasp that you have got it. You have got it. You can work then on level 5 and realize what you're doing."
(end of copy and paste)

If all of that makes sense to you, then great.  If not, then just get the idea that on level five you are playing out conflicts between postulates to stimulate incidents to timebreak.  You are playing out every possible combination of conflict there is so you can finally erase all the charge there is on the subject “to know”.  The idea is to null and finally erase all the charge on this “goals package” of “to know”.
You can also work these “goals packages” on other subjects like “to be” or “to love” or “to sex”, etc but I’ll leave that to Dennis and his book to explain how that works.
For now, if there are any questions, criticisms, comments or corrections to my posting series “TROM for Non-Scientologists”—anything you think that should be changed, added, or clarified, then feel free to comment.  This is a work in progress intended to help you communicate TROM to your Non-Scientologist friends who may be interested in doing TROM themselves.
There will be more to come.
The Closet Trom-er

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