Author Topic: The Fantastic Fabian Method  (Read 326 times)

Gone Fabian

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The Fantastic Fabian Method
« on: September 05, 2014, 01:02:34 pm »
Ok, so I just fooled you. There exists no Fabian Method out there, only one guy using it and that is me. It has kind of evolved through the years and ended up being a good way of keeping my body very healthy. Since 1985 I have only been away from work 2 days, so it's not too bad. I will use a few posts here to try to sum it up.
Just a collection of odd things that I do or that I try to avoid doing. I am actually not trying to better my body, I just try to keep it working more or less the way it was designed to do:

1. The theory is based on the concept that the spirit and the body are two very separate things. These days these two parts kind of hang together like a composite (not like an alloy). In one of his e-meter books LRH describes this as a thumb that for some reason has got a sharp object in it. He says that the thumb is the spirit and the hurtful sharp thing is the body. This is a cute picture that has been admired by many, but it is false. From a body's viewpoint it is the sharp object (a spirit) that is a foreign hurtful thing, doing lots of damage to the body (the thumb) by stupid habits and reckless behaviour. So part of my success with keeping my body healthy is turning LRH's viewpoint on it's head, a good start.

2. My body is of course the same thing as what Dennis calls The Human Ape in his writings. It works on it's own separate postulates that are kind of hardwired into it, and most spirits know nothing about the body's postulate structure. How could he when he is not a body? The body of the human ape is of course a kind of advanced construction that nobody on this planet could be able to recreate, so they tend to mess with it instead. I did too, starting with LRH's recommended vitamin and minerals dose (the purification dose). I did the Purification Rundown too, but have too little data on it to recommend it to others. But I was very happy with the results. I also continued to take that dose for many years afterwards, but I'm now taking it only about 2-3 times a week as that feels better. I sometimes double the Niacin dose up to 200mg.
About recreating the body of the human ape, I am of course lying to you again. It's rather easy to do if you are a guy willing to find a cutie and fûck her a few times. But people are complicated these days..

3. I have no exciting things to tell you guys about eating, because I eat what I want. This includes meat and fish and bread and vegetables of many sorts, chocolate and coca cola and real butter and cream. But I always stayed away from synthetic sweeteners using stevia instead. My philosophy here is about plenty of variation, good quality and "back to the basics". This is what my body likes. And if I get an urge in some direction I usually get hold of the thing and eat it.

4. I don't smoke any more, but there was no real difference healthwise after quitting.

5. Physical work is part of my daily life, but not very hard stuff. I would guess I walk 2-3 hours every day as that is part of my work. I sleep 6-9 hours.

6. My opinion is that all human bodies are slightly different because there is a continual genetic experiment built into the whole species, a kind of auto correction going on through time. This is not evolution, but a mechanism to ensure that human ape type bodies work well and stay on the planet forever. Because of this slight difference between bodies I leave room for the possibility that some food is wrong for some people. But good luck to anyone trying to convince me to change my diet after more than 60 years of success with just following my own taste. That train has left the platform.

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Gone Fabian

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Re: The Fantastic Fabian Method
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2014, 02:32:51 pm »
7. Did you ever have your cellphone near some audio gear, some hifi or loudspeakers? The funny sound that is generated in such a situation have been heard by most people owning a cellphone. It wasn't meant to happen and was not really foreseen by the designers. Well, it so happens that these two different types of equipment use the same kind of signals, electro magnetic stuff. So one of them will pick up some signals from the other and wrongly interpret it. Audio type gadgets were never meant to do this, but sh!t happens.

Ok, did you ever own a human body that picked up attitudes from a nearby spirit? The spirit I'm talking about is of course YOU. It so happens that the body of the human ape runs on attitudes too, among other things like emotions, sensations and effort. An attitude is just one of many flavours of something called POSTULATES, other well known flavours are CONSIDERATIONS and DECISIONS and PURPOSES. About 30 different ones have been isolated, there are probably more than 50.
Sensations, efforts, postulates and postulate-like mechanisms make your heart beat and cells grow and run the machinery that digest your food. They do everything, and the body's inherent postulates are complex stuff that one shouldn't mess with. It is really none of your business to tamper with things you don't understand and never will. Well, you can lift your arm or make the body run across the street and that's ok. The human body is a good natured beast that would do such things anyway, so he doesn't really care if you use your own postulates on him for a while. He actually gets a lot of fun experiences and sensations when he is controlled by a cool spirit like you.

But it so happens that you are not always cool. Sometimes a spirit like you is depressed or in a sh!tty mood or gets influenced by even more degraded people than yourself. So you think negative thoughts for a while. That is no real problem, but don't make a habit out of it. It takes some time, but gradually your body will pick up your negative vibes. Remember, you both run on the same types of signals just like the cellphone and audio gear. Your body is not smart enough to tell the difference of where the signals are coming from.

The human body can keep on working for 120 years, but we are talking big variations both ways. Take a look at the early stuff in the Old Testament, the 120 years thing is mentioned there plus a lot of guys that had a good time for several hundred years. Maybe they had other things to do than think of death and destruction. Today we are lucky to make it past 80, we have too many stupid CONSIDERATIONS and sh!t happens.
« Last Edit: July 25, 2015, 09:42:20 am by Gone Fabian »

Gone Fabian

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Re: The Fantastic Fabian Method
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2014, 03:39:04 pm »
8. One thing that should be mentioned here is the effect of "accepting the wrong item". This is THE spiritual action that causes the fastest and most dramatic downward movement in both your spiritual state and your body's health. In scientology this has been known since the sixties and they even have special repair actions to handle it when it happens. And these repairs can be so miraculous that I believe they actually pull in good business for them. Sorry to say, the rest of their stuff isn't always working as well.

Ok, so what happens? Well, you take some really charged area in your life (in TROM that means an area that has very high IMPORTANCE). Then you get tricked into accepting a wrong answer or something like that regarding that area. Or you do it to yourself, or a mistake happens or whatever. The thing is that you emerge on the other side with a NEW WRONG ANSWER to something that was a charged subject. It MUST be charged to happen. It will not happen if you are learning the wrong name of the longest river in Uganda or how many lightyears to the fourth black hole distanced from Earth in 1787. These subjects are not important to you. But charged areas might be things like WHY YOUR WIVES ALWAYS LEAVE YOU or WHY YOU ALWAYS GO BUST, areas of importance and mystery. And everyone is different of course.
It has been called A WRONG WHY or A WRONG ITEM or A WRONG INDICATION depending on how it happens, but it's the same thing and you really feel a lot worse rather fast.

Two things happen here:
1. A worsening of your personal reality because you are accepting an untruth in an area that has importance for you.
2. Your body starts a rebuilding process to adjust it's form to this new reality. (this is a strange thing, but the closest I can describe it at this time)

If it gets repaired everything goes back to normal rather fast. The question "What reason have I accepted?" has helped me many times. But it can be difficult to find. Sometimes it gets repaired by life itself, one later observes it was a wrong answer.
If it doesn't get repaired you will end up with a wrong reality in some important (to you) area. People have tons of these already, most of what people believe is so wrong that I will just leave this subject right now. But healthwise you will go through a cycle that often include a sore throat - stuffy nose - body aches - loss of voice and similar symtoms that we all know.

When your body has done it's cycle everything goes back to "normal" and you are only left with an untruth. Well, no big deal as you have thousands of them, but it is "going in the wrong direction".
An effective way to avoid these things is to have the viewpoint that things are not important.


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Re: The Fantastic Fabian Method
« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2014, 12:16:38 am »
That's a very nice writeup! I do have many body aches me pains. My body is typically stiff most of the time. Applying your fabulous Fabian method, I felt this stiffness and sore pain relieve itself instantly! I also found the question, "could this be a wrong answer" to relieve much body pain and stiffness quickly too. My job is physical daily I shovel sand, walk a lot too.

Gone Fabian

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Re: The Fantastic Fabian Method
« Reply #4 on: September 08, 2014, 08:02:18 am »
Hehe, "Could this be a wrong answer?" and similar are brilliant questions to ask oneself once in a while.

I have been told LRH himself was more or less unable to get out of his bed in the morning (around 1960-65)
The dangerous tech that Dennis corrected later had a tendency to produce something they called "the creaks" (back troubles)
I heard this phenomena was caused by deciding on "a wrong term or oppterm" (identity) in auditing.

My own back troubles and stiffness evaporated over time by doing RI. I didn't start timebreaking before all change was gone.
(as you might have understood, all my troubles at this time are of spiritual nature)   ;D


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Re: The Fantastic Fabian Method
« Reply #5 on: September 08, 2014, 05:28:53 pm »
Yes that's the word I was looking for, evaporated my stiffness and pains. Today at work I had a ton of energy and I surprised the boss twice saying I had done already what he just asked me to get done. So it's definitely working. I'm a bit confused on the term "accepting the wrong item". What's that mean item? Like the wrong answer?

Can you get into a little detail about how you apply this to your mind/incidents?

Gone Fabian

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Re: The Fantastic Fabian Method
« Reply #6 on: September 09, 2014, 05:30:12 am »
The word ITEM is from a Scio auditing action called "Listing and nulling". I will give you an example:
A session is in progress and it has been established that the PC has romantic type problems that he has lots of attention on. The auditor tests several questions on the e-meter and decides that the most charged one is "Why do your wives always leave you?"
So he gets the PC to come up with different answers to it while he notes down the reads.

I'm not rich
I have bad breath
I'm a technically poor lover
I have poor taste in clothes
I get angry too often
I'm a nerd
Women are generally bad

These different answers are called ITEMS.
At the end of the action the auditor will give the PC the ITEM that had the biggest read. Sometimes the ITEM is wrong.
Sometimes it will be very obvious and the PC will not accept the item, but it happens too that he accepts something that is not correct in his case.
Then he is in trouble.

But a "Listing an nulling" action can happen in life too, one can walk around asking oneself these things and come up with answers that might be wrong.
People do it all the time, but it has to be a charged area to produce trouble..
« Last Edit: September 09, 2014, 05:35:07 am by Gone Fabian »

Gone Fabian

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Re: The Fantastic Fabian Method
« Reply #7 on: September 09, 2014, 06:08:35 am »
Ok, I found a few more things that I do (or don't do) regarding my physical body.

9. I take Potassium pills when it is hot in the summer. Working a few weeks in Los Angeles I learned about this as my own country is a colder place.
I have also started to take "cell salts" which also have been very effective. I'm not sure about the theory behind it, but I don't care because it works.

10. I have learned to have a good relationship with my body's GE (genetic entity). Earlier on I thought it was only about me and the physical body, but there is actually another guy present too. It's a bit like being in a car with 2 drivers, but the other guy (the GE) is more like a mechanic or a janitor. Still he can occationally grab the wheel, and he is mostly the guy in charge when I sleep and when some healing is going on. He is actually doing maintenance on the body all the time and I have found out a little about how he works. Like many effective janitors he is a kind of rough an impatient personality, things should be done NOW.
So in a healing process he will not wait around for me to eat something he needs, he will take it from somewhere else in the body. This can be unpleasant but now I know the reason, this guy knows what he is doing. Given time and materials he can do impressive repair work on the body as he has his priorities all worked out.
Getting in communication with the GE can be good, he is not a very polite guy but he feels better when he knows you are aware of his presence and his work. He does not talk, but one can get an impression about what he wants. Often it can be something like "why don't you eat your minerals, you idiot?"
« Last Edit: September 09, 2014, 06:13:05 am by Gone Fabian »