TROM experiences > TROM experiences

Doing RI Saved My Life Yesterday


I was working to end a long de-tox that had started to move some stagnant lymph in the cerebellum, and the going was getting rougher than I wished to experience. Acids were moving around in the body, as is typical with the type of de-tox I do. Very dizzy, nauseous.

On top of that I got very upset and pulled in "psychic acid" - let's call it that. My body started to expire with the doubled acid load and I felt death coming on. Besides knowing I have to finish Trom, what saved me was sitting down and doing RI (Repair of Importances). I put my favorite fruits all around me - it didn't take but a few minutes and I was good again.

Peter McLaughlin:
 :)well done Collleen!

Thank you, Pete. I want Trommers to know how powerful doing RI can be, even though on the surface it seems rather simple.


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